Food As Medicine? | Nutrition | The FIT Facility

Food As Medicine?

Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.

– Hippocrates

Did the ancient philosophers know something we obviously don’t?

No of course not. This is obvious information…I’m not saying to treat disease/ailments with food. I am saying that food should be your first line of defense against sickness. It’s your insurance.

I often joke that Zebra Cakes aren’t a good source of protein. Cheeky? Yes. However it’s still true.

Of course this implies that the average person doesn’t know much about nutrition. But how? Everyone seems to know an expert!

Strange duality; so many nutritional experts yet still an epidemic of obesity. Weird.

Could it be…that just as there’s an outbreak of epidemiologist amidst a COVID-19 pandemic; there’s also the same infection of nutritional experts during an obesity epidemic?!

I joke.

As human beings, I truly believe we inherently know whats healthy and unhealthy. Even if you live in the mountains and drink florescent sodas day in and day out, you know that there’s a difference between broccoli and Zebra Cakes. And if by some weird turn of fate, you don’t. Well, there’s a nutrition label on the back…and if by that same weird turn of fate, you still can’t read, you’ll eventually figure out that your teeth look like a Chuck E Cheese arcade game because of poor nutritional choices.

I joke.

Now just as bad things happen to good people, healthy people will get sick. The world continues to turn. Things DO happen that are out of your control. However, visiting the chocolate fountain for the third time at your favorite small town buffet isn’t doing you any favors. Shocked?

No of course not.

Take care of everything you can control, and things have a funny way of working themselves out.

We need to shift from eating with our eyes; to being reasonable adults and eating to fuel our bodies not only for performance, but for health and longevity. This is our insurance against disease and poor health, not the reason for it!

Obesity, chronic inflammation and disease are a result of poor nutrition from eating with our eyes.

Shift your focus to start eating to live long and prosper; and not to satisfy the pleasure centers in the brain!

If you’re an adult looking to get FIT, or an athlete looking to optimize your performance on the field/court click the link here to see how you can work with a Master Sports Performance Coach & Certified Sports Nutrition Coach!