The FIT Facility

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Words of Wisdom | Nutrition | Time For Healthy Choices | The FIT Facility

“Those who think they have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

 – Edward Stanley

How often have we used time as an excuse to eat complete crap. The truth is fast food and unhealthy options are simply easier/quicker to make than healthy ones.

Yes I would like to super size it.

We’re busy now, we’ve got things to do nowNever stopping to think about tomorrow.

If you get sick have you ever thought “Damn, I shouldn’t have eaten that extra large fry and soda last year in April on the first Thursday of the month?”

No, of course not…However, it does come down to a series of choice you make through-out your life. Which brings an even more interesting fact about the human psyche…

You’d never blame the reason you got ill on your own poor dietary choices….

…why would you? That would insinuate that you played a part in this, and the last thing you want is to blame yourself.

No, rather blame fate. “Oh why did this happen to me!

Better yet, blame someone/something else!

“My neighbors keep me up”, “stress at work”, “I don’t have time to eat well”.

…Honestly the list is endless and here’s the kicker…the illness/aliment/etc. doesn’t care.

Whatever the sickness, it doesn’t care.

It doesn’t care that your neighbors keep you up at night, so you don’t get well rested.

It doesn’t care that you’re stress out over work and it doesn’t care that you think you don’t have enough time to prepare healthy meals….

…The reality is, if you eat poor food choices, you pay the price of illness, poor skin/nails/hair/teeth, etc. It’s a simple equation of doing X+Y=Z. The outcome is pretty predictable, and it goes either way!