Nutrition Words of Wisdom | The FIT Facility

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Nutrition Words of Wisdom

"I saw few die of hunger; of eating, a hundred thousand."

- Benjamin Franklin

True in the 1700’s and even truer today. It’s an unfortunate fact that today, even amidst a global pandemic, people will continue to eat themselves to death.

It was just the other day that I personally was in the supermarket, (being the observant individual that I am) critically judging all the food choices people were making.

I would do this regardless of a global pandemic, however I find it more telling in times like these. What do people deem essential? Obviously toilet paper! Must be delicious!

Well, 30 days into “shelter in place” fresh produce still line the shelves., while the cookie/cake isle is a barren wasteland.

I walk by people with the top of their carts lined with soda bottles, like a Greek Phalanx, protecting their queen, Little Deborah.

A sight to be seen!


Can you blame them? The foods today are hyper palatable. Preserved foods, the epitome of convenience.

I refuse to believe that people don’t know better.

They must.

Now a days, especially for those deemed “non-essential”, all you want to do is eat these hyper palatable foods and sleep.

Understandable for some. These are confusing times!

But for others (a majority, about 69.6%) I feel that this may actually be normal. In our state Alabama, almost 70% of adults are either overweight or obese.

the hulk, confusing times.jpg

Strangely enough, information comes out daily about how some of the most at risk individuals happen to be overweight/obese.

So is it really that unbelievable that I can still go to the super market and take my pick of the rainbow colored produce? We are truly paying for our bad nutritional choices with failing health and susceptibility to disease/illness.

What Are Some Actionable Steps?

  • Don’t buy hyper palatable junk foods/snacks.

  • Learn to cook.

  • Eat out less.

Simple enough right? It’s literally that easy. It takes a little effort/planning on your part, but in the midst of a global pandemic, I think you’ve got the extra time.

Eat like your life depends on it.