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Home Workout Essentials | The FIT Facility

The Complete Guide To Home Workout Equipment

Many body weight programs are great for staying in shape in a bind. You know, something like a global pandemic. Gyms and fitness facilities across not only the nation, but the globe have been forced to close their doors.

While I believe body weight programs have their place (great for staying in shape, working on mobility/flexibility, controlling body weight, etc.) I don’t believe they’re sufficient enough to hang my hat on.

Which is why I believe every fitness enthusiast should have these bare minimum pieces of equipment at home.

This will not only allow you to move some external resistance, but will also give you more variety if you ever get stuck in such a bind.

Essential Equipment

This isn’t a list of equipment for starting a home gym. This list of equipment is for people who travel frequently for work, people who have been quarantined during a pandemic, or just the general fitness enthusiast. I believe every person who trains should have these in their home. These pieces of equipment can help last you until you get back into the facility.

So we’ll cut to the chase. These are going to be items which we deem essential for getting an effective training session outside of the facility.


This will be the foundation of your essential home equipment. With a kettlebell, every single exercise category can be satisfied. A single kettlebell may be the most versatile piece of equipment available. In addition, it’s cost effective. Kettlebells have now become so mainstream that you can find them at your local Walmart.

What to look for when you’re purchasing kettlebells.

If you’re going to a local store, such as a: Walmart, Target, etc. be wary of the kettlebells coated in almost a ceramic-type shell. This enamel paint makes the kettlebells obviously slicker, and more prone to chip.

With that in mind, opt for a kettlebell with a powder coat finish. It’ll be easier to maintain a grip, and chipping won’t be much of an issue.

If you’re going to purchase you’re kettlebell online, shipping is going to shock you. You’ll pay almost more in shipping that you will for the kettlebell alone. So, here’s some tips for taking the edge off.

  1. Some companies have special offers. If you buy a certain amount of items, shipping is free. So if you’re going to buy a few pieces of equipment for around the house, do it all at once.

  2. Wait for a sale. Companies love having a “Easter Sale, Black Friday Sale, etc.”. If you’re getting close to one of those dates, just for it.

  3. Lastly, some companies offer free shipping regardless. The benefit is obvious.

Ok you’re ready to find a kettlebell, which weight to choose? This really depends on your existing strength level/experience.

If you’re new to kettlebells, men should opt for the 35lbs. while women should opt for the 18lbs. If you’ve got some experience, men/53lbs, women/35lbs. These are simply recommendations on where to start, and clearly aren’t a one size fits all. But general, one size fits most.

One last thought. The type of training will largely dictate the size of the kettlebell you chose. If you’re going for more of a cardio effect, and you’ll be doing more movements that are more of a “flow”, then maybe a smaller kettlebell is a better choice. On the flip side, if you’re going for strength, metabolic resistance training, then a heavier kettlebell is for you. Just keep in mind, there’s ways to make a lighter kettlebell feel heavier; it doesn’t really work the other way around.

Suspension Trainer

This piece of equipment can be used literally anywhere. A door frame, a goal post, a tree, whatever. With that being said, it’s an incredibly versatile and like a kettlebell, can be used to fulfill virtual every movement category needed to receive an effective training session.

The most popular brand, TRX is a great choice. It’s downside? It’s pricey. Almost $200. So with that being said, if price isn’t an issue, it’s a great piece of equipment.

The Infinity Trainer from Perform Better is also an excellent choice. I like that the two handles are 100% independent of each other and the bottom loop is firm and coating in rubber, making it easier to put your feet/heels in. This one comes in at about $100.

Lastly, another good option is going to Amazon, and typing in “suspension trainer” and selecting a piece that’s within your budget.

This is going to be an essential piece of equipment, you’ll like do most of your pulling with it, whether horizontal or vertical, so keep that in mind.


Sliders are going to be great or any core work (anti-extension exercises, etc.) as well as hitting the knee flexion aspect of the hamstring (often over looked). With that being said, luckily even in their most expensive form, Valsides, it’s only $30.

A cheap and very accessible alternative, furniture slides from your local hardware/shopping store. These come in at about $10.

Between these three pieces of equipment, literally every movement category can be satisfied, and if put together in a thoughtful way, an excellent workout can be achieved. Do I believe that these three items would be sufficient for the rest of your days? Of course not. However, if you’re in a pinch, these are your best bet!

Honorable Mention

  • A box. Yes, a box. Boxes are great not only from box jumps, but also for step-ups/downs, single leg work, etc.

Not everyone is going to have access to some kind of stair/stoop, which is why I’m a fan of having a box you can take with you anywhere.

  • Sandbags. If you’ve got prior experience with them (for instance, you’re a member at The FIT Facility) then I would highly recommend this to your essential home gym equipment! The Ultimate Sandbag has been the best one i’ve seen on the market.

  • Pull-up bands. No, I don’t want you using these for pull-ups, however if you google search “pull-up bands” those are the ones i’m talking about. An incredibly versatile piece of equipment. It’s compact size and light weight make it incredibly portable. You’ll only need a way to anchor it if you’re using it from a high anchor point.